Capstone Process

McKenna Becker
1 min readJun 4, 2021


Entry 4

I have been anxiously waiting for comments on my capstone pitch since turning it in, I assume the wait will last until Sunday, which is fine — I don’t need to be shot down again this week. Hearing some people’s feedback from professors has me worried about my own project, granted I don’t really know much about their capstone ideas, but anxiety is running rampant among us all at the moment. At least my pitch is in and now research is starting which is a bit exciting and overwhelming, but exciting nonetheless.

I had another class start this week that I had forgotten about — UC changed it to a late-starting 5 week crash course. The work on top of what I already have from core studios, freelance work, and now having to work on my portfolio is crushing my soul, I feel like a ticking time bomb.

Trying to keep a positive attitude and optimistic outlook as the semester moves forward! I don’t have any photos from this weeks capstone work but I liked how my last 10/20 collage turned out:



McKenna Becker

5th year Graphic Design Co-Op Student at the University of Cincinnati's Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning College