Capstone Process

McKenna Becker
2 min readJun 25, 2021


Entry 7

What a WEEK! I worked at my computer for an average of 10 hours a day every day this week, and it paid off. My eyes hurt, and I have the posture of a shrimp — but totally worth it.

I’m excited about how my in-progress brief turned out and proud of how much work I put into it. Digging deeper into the secondary research regarding ocean legends was a challenge — it was a struggle to find some that originated and are currently in the Eastern Hemisphere. Still, I ended up finding many good ones! For example, the Bakekujira is a ghost, bone whale located in the Sea of Japan, followed by a flock of eerie birds and odd fish. It appears near coastal whaling villages on rainy nights.


Also, exciting news about primary research, I reached out to my old babysitter, Theresa Ackman, who is a seventh-grade science teacher, and her two children, who are six and eight years old. Not only is she a professional in her field, but her two kids fit my audience range perfectly! I will be meeting with them on Tuesday to conduct primary research.

The good news continues: Yesterday, I reached out to Mystic Aquarium in Connecticut as they have an Eco Heroes Program that educates children about ocean conservation and marine life. They responded today, saying they’d love to help me out. I have a call with Stephanie Waidler, one of the program reservation specialists who has been working there for over seven years, on Monday.

After being in a lull of questioning if this is indeed the capstone project I want to move forward with, I have become thrilled again about my project. I’m nervous about conducting primary research as my anxiety does not like strangers, especially talking to strangers. Still, I think my adrenaline will kick in and aid me in moving past it.

Thursday night I also entered a manic state of no-employers-are-reaching-out-to-me-so-I’m-going-to-redesign-my-whole-portfolio-website. So, my Thursday lasted from 7:30am Thursday morning to 5:13am Friday morning. I’m proud of how it turned out and love the result. if it peaks your interest.

Anyway, I’m ready to disconnect from reality and the internet this weekend, my mental health needs it haha. Peace out!



McKenna Becker

5th year Graphic Design Co-Op Student at the University of Cincinnati's Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning College